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Squads have an infectious energy—if it’s a positive energy, then together, you can accomplish just about anything you want. If it’s a negative energy, you can quickly drag each other down, and no matter how hard you’re trying to do the right things, your squad will drag you down. When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle—mentally, physically, and emotionally—your squad can have a powerful influence on you. You’ve experienced it: you sit down to dinner with the best intentions but one person, with a devious smile, suggests splitting four pitchers of margaritas and getting the appetizer sampler. Before you know it, you’re egging one another on to order the flan. If you’re ready to transform your squad from a debilitating one to an empowering one, here is how your squad can help one another be healthier.
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Meet for walks instead of drinks
Instead of meeting for cocktails, meet for something active. Try power walking, for example, which will send oxygen to your brain, get the creative juices flowing, and inspire conversations you may not have had otherwise. [caption id="attachment_699647" align="alignleft" width="419"]
Don’t give into emotional binges
If you and your squad have had a bad day, it’s easy to say, “Let’s just order pizza and pick up wine and ice cream.” But have a talk with your squad and agree you all feel pretty bad after this, and don’t want to do it anymore. [caption id="attachment_623966" align="alignleft" width="500"]
Sign up for marathons together
These will give you a reason to meet up and exercise. If you want to, you can sign up for marathons that you know cute, eligible guys tend to sign up for…hey, you gotta get inspiration where you can! [caption id="attachment_608776" align="alignleft" width="378"]
Check in with each other
Check in with each other throughout the day. You never know when a simple “How are you text?” could stop a friend from having a third cocktail or ordering the nachos or skipping yoga class. [caption id="attachment_704636" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Meet during the day instead of the night
Night time is pretty conducive to alcohol, heavy meals, and generally consuming stuff. So stop waiting until 7 pm to meet on a Saturday. If you meet at 11 am and get active, you’re bound to stay active throughout the day. [caption id="attachment_716185" align="alignleft" width="440"]
Take a cooking class together
If you all learn to cook some of your favorite dishes together, you’ll become a lot more familiar with what goes into food, and what you possibly shouldn’t be ordering any more. It’s also just fun! And you can’t gorge in a cooking class the way you can in a restaurant. [caption id="attachment_707662" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Purchase a garden plot together
Gardening is very therapeutic, and you’ll grow to appreciate produce more if you literally grow that produce. Plus, it’s fun to have a little plot of land you’re responsible for with your friends. [caption id="attachment_724156" align="alignleft" width="410"]
Acknowledge each other’s achievements
When one of you loses X amount of pounds or completes a fitness program, don’t hold back on the celebration! Go out and celebrate. Treat it like a birthday! [caption id="attachment_621462" align="alignleft" width="416"]
Have shared goals
Maybe, if you all complete this boot camp or run that marathon, you’ll treat yourselves to a weekend getaway or concert tickets. [caption id="attachment_715033" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Grocery shop together
This way you can check each other’s baskets and ask, “Do you really need that box of donuts and that case of wine?” You’ll be more conscious of what you buy if your squad is around. [caption id="attachment_717212" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Hold each other accountable
Tell each other what your goals are—is it drinking less? Eating fewer carbs? Skipping dessert?—and hold each other accountable to them. It’s harder to order dessert when your friends are sitting there, and you told them you’re quitting sweets. [caption id="attachment_700481" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Emotionally support each other
Often, making the unhealthy choice is a result of emotional distress. So be there for each other—it’s one of the biggest things you can do towards helping one another be healthier. [caption id="attachment_703521" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Crack down on negative talk
Take a hard stance on negative talk in your life. That means no, “I’m fat” talk and “I don’t fit into my skinny clothes” talk. And that definitely means not sending each other articles on the best celebrity bikini bodies. [caption id="attachment_702157" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Exchange positive information
You can, however, send each other uplifting articles you find! These can be about physical tips regarding diet and exercise or emotional and mental wellbeing tips. Maybe you can give each other the homework of sending the group one uplifting article a week. [caption id="attachment_619730" align="alignleft" width="500"]
Walk for a charity
When you walk to raise money for people in need, you get a lot of perspective. Suddenly, obsessing over having six-pack abs and perky breasts feel a bit silly. You’ll want to be healthy so you can be your best self, and do things for others, but not for vanity. [caption id="attachment_705342" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Cook together instead of going out
If you’re limited to what you have in your kitchen then you’re bound to make something healthy. Plus, at your home, you don’t feel like you need to rush and leave like you do at a restaurant. [caption id="attachment_704639" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Share your struggles
You’re probably all facing struggles with being healthy, whether that’s the desire to binge eat at night because you’re lonely or insecurity at the gym around all the tight bodies. Talk about these things; knowing you’re not alone can help you combat them. [caption id="attachment_608776" align="alignleft" width="378"]
Share your successes
Text each other your small successes, from “I didn’t eat the free snacks at work today!” to “I went to the gym even though I’m hungover!” Knowing you’ll get a little praise for making the right choice may encourage you to make that right choice. [caption id="attachment_609505" align="alignleft" width="500"]
Take shopping off the activity list
Shopping for clothes shouldn’t be your go-to activity; it incites negative body talk and ends up making you want to do a juice cleanse for weeks. There is so much more to do together than shop. [caption id="attachment_695053" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Go to a spa together
Try going to a health spa together. You can eat good food, meditate, connect with nature and rest. These are more fun to do with friends, and remind you how good it feels to lead a clean lifestyle.The post How You And Your Squad Can Help Each Other Be Healthier appeared first on MadameNoire.