I will never forget The Breakfast Club interview with Dascha Polanco. Not so much for anything she said, but for the response to something she said. She told the room that she identifies as a Black woman, and Afro Latina and based on the way Charlemagne said to her, you would have sworn she said she was a purple people eater.
And while it was a shame that he was so old and so ignorant, we can also argue that lack of representation of Afro Latinas on screen that has contributed to his lack of awareness.
La La Anthony spoke to this fact in a recent interview with Latina, saying that Hollwood has dropped the ball in this regard.
“I definitely don’t feel like I’m what Hollywood thinks of when they think of a Latina actress at all,” Anthony told the magazine. “They are imagining a different look, a different vibe. People still tell me, ‘You speak Spanish? You’re Spanish? You’re Puerto Rican?’ They can’t wrap their minds around it.”
She continues, “The industry just hasn’t been thinking outside the box when it comes to Latina women,” Anthony told the magazine. “We come in all colors. My grandfather was extremely dark and from Puerto Rico, but his brother had blond hair and blue eyes. There are so many different shades, and I think Hollywood has yet to realize that.”
We’re waiting for the day they do.
The post La La Anthony Says Hollywood Has Failed Afro- Latinas appeared first on MadameNoire.