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Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Be So Worried About The Wall Trump Proposes Across Mexico’s Border

[caption id="attachment_783774" align="aligncenter" width="1068"]<a href="http://madamenoire.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ezgif.com-2916145a76.jpg"><img src="http://madamenoire.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ezgif.com-2916145a76.jpg" alt="Trump Wall" width="1068" height="600" class="size-full wp-image-783774" /></a> Credit: WENN.com<br /><br />[/caption] Each day disturbing news breaks out over President Trump and his determination to put provisions in place against immigration, planned parenthood, healthcare, and the environment (hence, the Dakota/Keystone pipelines), and it's only the first week of his presidency. Just yesterday, Trump's plans to implement a wall to prevent illegal immigration shocked many Americans, as the divisive rhetoric spewed during election season became a reality. According to the<a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/25/us/politics/refugees-immigrants-wall-trump.html"> NewYork Times</a>, Trump's "crackdown" on illegal immigration begins with the immediate construction of a wall across the borders of Mexico and a significant decrease in legal immigration from countries where Islam is most prevalent. Refugees from Syria will also be barred from entering the United States -- a complete opposite of the diplomatic and bipartisan sanctions put in place during the Obama administration. What makes matters worse is Trump plans to fund the wall on the backing of American citizens (i.e. tax increases) and then be reimbursed by the Mexican government. As this should come as no surprise, even the President of Mexico has rejected this proposal. https://twitter.com/VicenteFoxQue/status/824360005554044932 But the most important question is how feasible is building a wall across an entire country? Short answer--not very. Historically, the resistance to illegal immigration in the US is nothing new. <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/why-trump-cant-simply-build-a-wall-along-the-us-mexico-border-with-an-executive-order/2017/01/25/6b49de32-e319-11e6-ba11-63c4b4fb5a63_story.html?utm_term=.a8d6912a92f6">According to the Washington Post</a>, our government spent $7 billion to build fences across the Southwest border during George Bush's administration. The project being proposed by this administration is significantly more massive and will cost even more. So how will the President get funding to build the wall, and from where? Trump would need congressional support in order to pass the order and gain access to billions in funding...let's see how that goes. Geographically, the project is also impractical due to the environmental concerns, both terrestrially and civically. There are not only desserts, mountains, and rivers to consider, but also tribal lands. The person in charge of constructing the wall needs to be one heck of an engineer! Land owner's rights also need to be considered and litigations against the construction of the wall will prolong it. Despite the unlikelihood of the construction of a physical wall, the sentiment behind the idea will continue to stand. We, as American citizens, need to focus on decreasing the divisive sentiments and actions the new president and his administration have already use to infiltrate our nation. Now is not the time to give up or give in to fear. #StayWoke <em>Quindara Lazenbury is the definition of #bosslady with the woes of adulthood to keep the ball rolling. Writer and aspiring techie by profession. Follow her @wholefully_q</em>  

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