[caption id="attachment_725033" align="alignleft" width="1048"]<img src="http://madamenoire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/sick-woman-cold.jpg" alt="" width="1048" height="600" class="size-full wp-image-725033" /> Shutterstock[/caption]
You know you’re not going to <em>die </em>from a cold or the flu. But that doesn’t change the fact that it sure feels like you will when it’s happening! A partner really shows his true colors when you are sick. Anybody can be a rockstar boyfriend when their girlfriend is energized, perky, up for sex, and willing to help make dinner. The <em>real </em>test comes when a man’s girlfriend is laid up in bed, cranky, unwilling to make conversation and incapable of physical contact. Does your boyfriend fill up his schedule so he can avoid the responsibilities that come with having a sick partner? Or, does he stay by your side? You certainly are there for him when he has the sniffles or a broken arm, so shouldn’t he be there for you? Here is what the best boyfriends do when you’re sick.