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Ladies, we all have a little "Batgirl" in us! We love for our voices to be heard. We demand to be respected and acknowledged for our contributions. We totally understand our power and we will use our strength for the greater good. We believe in the concept of family and we will fight for them until the very end!
This Friday, February 10th, actress Rosario Dawson will show you what we mean in the highly anticipated animation film <em>The Lego Batman Movie</em> (Warner Brothers), a follow-up to the dynamic <em>The Lego Movie</em>. More than just a film targeting young and spirited minds that obsess over Lego sets and Batman figures, <em>The Lego Batman Movie</em> touches upon some real boss business with the introduction of Batgirl!
In celebration of female empowerment, Madamenoire had a chance to chat with Rosario Dawson (Batgirl), Will Arnett (Batman), Zach Galifianakis (The Joker), Michael Cera (Robin), and director Chris McKay during the movie's official press junket at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills, California last week. Below, Dawson talks candidly about Batgirl's role and why she is so bada--.
<strong>Madamenoire (MN)</strong>: In the film, Batgirl is giving us all types of confidence. Can you explain her role further
<strong>Rosario Dawson (RD):</strong> It is so interesting about the way you just said that - because I hadn't thought about it being a confidence thing...There is something so remarkable about [Batgirl's] character. She's so different than many other heroes that you will find. A lot [of characters] are driven by a tragedy that kind of brought them to that position. You can have a tragedy in your life like The Joker and end up becoming insane and just push that violence onto other people. [Kind of like...] it happened to me - why not you. Or you could have a tragedy hit you like Batman and go - you know what - I'm going to do everything I can to stop that from ever happening to somebody else - you know?
<strong>MN:</strong> Absolutely.
<strong>RD: </strong>For Batgirl, she grew up as Commissioner Gordon's daughter who had this remarkable relationship with this incredible figure and Batman. [In the movie] she’s not trying to be Batman, and she's not trying to be like her father Commissioner Gordon. She's trying to be the best version of herself and it's beautiful. It's definitely flattering and it's really lovely to see this young woman who is so inspired that she wants to emulate these incredible men in her life, but it's also really powerful and dynamic to then see those same men being moved, challenged and pushed by that same woman who takes what they taught her and adds something even more to it. And it's just beautiful to see that evolution.
<strong>MN:</strong> We totally agree.
<strong>RD</strong>: I think that's where that confidence comes from - because she's someone who knows her purpose. She knows what she wants and she knows what she's capable of and what she's willing to do to get what she wants. And that's a really powerful and a gorgeous lesson.
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<strong>MN:</strong> What can Batgirl teach women and girls about confidence?
<strong>RD:</strong> I hope that people see that's where confidence should really come from - not other people complimenting you or getting a lot of likes on your post or something, but about the work that you put in for the things that you care about. Also, confidence comes from having an actual effect in the world and then seeing what that ripple effect is. That should be where you get your confidence from.
And you can see she's confident because she put that work in, and she knows what she's contributing, and that's why she's able to fight for it. Even when there are doubters around her, she's like - no! And she's able to really push to add that because she's already Commissioner Gordon and she's already Batgirl. She's already got that spirit of Batgirl. That should be enough. But, she pushes it even further, and that's really amazing.
<p style="text-align: left;">There's something about what you said about her confidence that I hadn't thought about, but I think that's what it is because Batgirl knows exactly who she wants to be and what she wants to do. She knows that she's right and she's not wasting her time or her energy. That's something really remarkable because people doubt themselves all the time. I really was so moved by her. I wanted to watch [the movie] over and over again because she's so patient and she handles these bizarre situations so good. When we were doing the recordings, there were versions where I was much tougher with Batman and more stern. I would do improv where I'd be like - no, no, put it down, no - and be joking. It was really funny to have that dynamic, but at the same time, it was kind of like, I don't know, she really admires him.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">It was really cool because they clearly needed that dynamic for Batman, but then they shifted it to Alfred, which I didn't know until I watched the movie on Saturday, because I didn't know what version of her would be in the movie. I never read a script, and we did it cold every time, and I didn't read with anybody, and I didn't see anything until this Saturday.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>MN:</strong> Wow.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>RD</strong>: That's why I'm still in a revelation about her because I didn't know who my Batgirl was or my Commissioner Gordon was because there have been really different iterations that we played with. So, now to see who she is - she's bada--. I remember when I saw the poster, She's So Boss, and I was like I hope so. But, I watched the movie and I'm like, she's so boss.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>MN:</strong> We like that!</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>RD</strong>: More than ever, we need to continue celebrating just how amazing people are - men, women, girls and boys. We really need to start honoring that. I think there's something so powerful about this girl [who] could actually teach you something about being bada--.