First there was salt bae. Then there was Hurt Bae. And now, there’s StrandedBae. The tale of how this girl was allegedly done dirty by a dude who had been courting her for months, was told from both the girl and the guy’s perspective. Since y’all know it’s always ladies, first, we’ll start with her account of the events.
The mouse in his house may seem like a deviation from the story at hand; but given the fact this vermin now has a Twitter account of his own, I’d say it’s relevant. So, if you’re wondering what the dude had to say, here it is.
All of this is a hot mess really. Honestly, homegirl should have just gotten on the plane and gone home. I doubt that she learned she was evicted on a random Tuesday and chose to stay in his city. A more likely story is that she wanted more from the visit than she was going to get. And once he’d dropped her off at the airport, she was willing to do the absolute most to extend her stay. But what I don’t appreciate is the fact that is the fact he tried to act like their entire relationship was nothing, completely ignoring someone when they’re “stranded” in an airport is foul. You wouldn’t do that to friends and you certainly shouldn’t do that to someone who you claimed to love, someone you’d slept with just days earlier. It’s classic, immature man and pretty tired at this point.
What do you make of the #StrandedBae story?
Veronica Wells is the culture editor at She is also the author of “Bettah Days.” You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter @VDubShrug.
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