Refillable deodorant? Why didn’t someone think of this eco-friendly product sooner? Well, Antoine Wade, cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade, finally has, launching Switch Fresh, a brand of unisex deodorants that allows you to refill the deodorant container when you’re finished with the stick. And Wade has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for the new venture.
“When I hit on this project and started looking at the deodorant category and saw there wasn’t a lot of innovation, I felt, why couldn’t I do it? What’s stopping me from creating the next big deodorant brand?” he told the Chicago Tribune. On his IndieGoGo page, Wade, 35, claims that his new product is the “world’s first sustainable, personalized, unisex deodorant that reduces waste by 96 percent.”
Here’s how it works: Switch Fresh includes a stylish plastic tube that uses replaceable glide cartridges with various scents of solid deodorant and antiperspirants. The bottle is offered in different colors and moving forward the container will be customizable with designs uploaded by users.
“Its gender-neutral scents are named after locations: a vanilla-based antiperspirant named after Chicago’s South Loop, an apple-based antiperspirant named after New York’s TriBeCa neighborhood, and a natural unscented deodorant named after Aspen, Colo,” reports the Trib.
When it hits the market, Switch Fresh bottles will run about $10 each, while the deodorant cartridges will cost $2.50 to $3.99 each. For the IndieGoGo launch, the company is offering both the bottle and a cartridge for $10 total. Sounds like a great way to buy Black and help out the environment.
The post Dwyane Wade’s Cousin Launches World’s First Refillable Unisex Deodorant Switch Fresh appeared first on MadameNoire.